Getting involved in the global conversation: Tokamak Energy, Milton Park and COP26
Published on 18 November 2021

Getting involved in the global conversation: Tokamak Energy, Milton Park and COP26
Over the past couple of weeks it’s been hard to miss the twists and turns witnessed at the COP26 summit in Glasgow. After much back and forth between participating countries an agreement was finally secured – albeit with the help of some extra time. With all of the talk over, the focus needs to be now on the actions we can take to look after our planet.
Through the lens of the COP26 Goals, we shine a spotlight on how one of our occupiers, Tokamak Energy, and the team at Milton Park are helping to do their bit.
Goal 1. Secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach
Milton Park is home to a range of clean energy businesses, all of which are making significant contributions in the global push to net zero. Tokamak Energy, whose work positions fusion energy as a future leader in environmentally friendly sources, is just one example.
Tokamak has been no stranger to international attention for its approach to clean energy. They recently attended the Global Investment Summit in London, demonstrating how – once realised – fusion energy will be economically viable and able to distribute on a global scale, making it a key player in meeting international climate policy goals and accelerating the pace to achieving net zero.
At Milton Park, we know the contribution of business destinations like us have to play in securing a sustainable future for our planet. We’re committed to providing sustainable transport across the Park, from our security team making use of electric cars to improving sustainable options for travel to and from the Park, through an expansion of the local bus service and our bike hire scheme.
Additionally, autonomous electric minibuses are set to launch on site next year through our involvement with the MultiCAV project. If successful, these trials would pave the way for a greener and more sustainable bus service for travellers to and from the Park.
At the same time, users of electric cars can take advantage of the various charging point locations located across the Park including outside the Innovation Centre, Park Club, Innovation Drive and at the Park Centre.
Goal 2. Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats
Providing a sustainable and safe space for wildlife to thrive is an important part in the pursuit to combat climate change.
It’s no secret that we’re big fans of bees at Milton Park, with increased measures to ensure that pollinators flourish here. Nearly 90% of the world’s wild flowering plant species and 75% of the world’s food crops rely in part on pollination by animals like bees, butterflies, bats and hummingbirds.
Meanwhile, our wildflower meadow is in its second year and growing. We recently added over 15,000 sq ft of wildflower meadows throughout the Park, mainly on the new cycleway, to create bio-diversity corridors.
Over the summer, we installed six floating islands into the lagoons at the Park. They are a refuge for ducks, geese, fish and wildlife to hide and nest on and increase filtration of water through the roots of the plants, improving water quality. Our new islands help us to grow plants in deep water that increase biodiversity by attracting amphibians and insects such as dragonflies.
What’s more, our Urban Gardens give businesses at the Park the chance to plant their own flowers and food, while giving them the chance to improve their understanding of biodiversity. With the help of the Milton Park estate team and one of our occupiers – ASA Landscape Architects – we will soon be announcing the winners of our Urban Garden awards, including a prize for the most biodiverse patch!
Goal 3. Mobilise finance
Having significant investment behind clean energy initiatives is essential to reaching net zero and keeping rising temperatures within 1.5 degrees.
In July this year, Tokamak Energy announced its major expansion of both workforce and premises at Milton Park. The news coincides with the UK Government’s efforts to promote innovation in clean energy and commercialising fusion technology through its ongoing STEP programme, while also providing Tokamak Energy with £10m as part of its Advanced Modular Reactor programme.
With an accelerated path to net zero now agreed, it will be interesting to keep an eye on how much more of an uptick there will be when it comes to financing green technologies.
Goal 4. Work together to deliver
As COP26 has shown us, saving the planet cannot be done in isolation and instead requires a team effort to take action.
Since earlier this year, businesses at Milton Park have come together through our Greener Workplace Forum, where employees and occupiers can share best practice of existing green initiatives around energy use, recycling and transport. Set up by Veronica Reynolds, our Sustainability and Community Manager, the Forum currently has 62 members across 46 Milton Park companies.
The group meet every quarter and have discussed topics such as the use of solar power on site, the additional of more electric vehicle charging points, clothes recycling points as well as opportunities to get hands on with volunteering on nature projects.
As the race to net zero and combatting climate change becomes ever more important, we would love for more Milton Park businesses to come and join the Greener Workplace Forum. To find out more, please email